720 815 6655 info@CareWithFood.com

Peace With Food & Your Body

We believe health and well-being is about getting back into authentic relationship with your own unique body. We help you re-learn the cues and messaging that your body produces naturally.

We will help with:

  • Listening to your body’s messages
  • Find foods that are satisfying and nourishing
  • Cultivating self-compassion with food and body
  • Cultivating body respect and gratitude
  • Develop confidence in social settings 
People chatting outside. Intuitive Nutrition specializes in pre-diabetes prevention, diabetes management, and kidney disease.
Chopped vegetables on cutting board. Intuitive Nutrition helps with pre-diabetes prevention, diabetes management, and kidney disease.

Tailored To Your Health Needs

Whether you’re looking for help with a medical condition  or wanting a better relationship with food, we are accompanying you through the process of deprogramming from diet culture and reconnecting to the wisdom of your body.

Are you ready to make peace with food?

You’re Not Alone. We’re Here to Help!

“I learned to boost my body image, stop judging foods as good or bad, and that it’s OK to love it all.”


“Whole30, South Beach, the Zone, Weight Watchers…Year in and year out, I followed all their rules but was always on a plan to shed the same stubborn fifteen pounds.  Finally, I recognized that dieting only succeeded in making me feel like a failure.  Now, I am embracing a radically different type of un-diet.”


 Find the Support You Need

Cultivate a Satisfying Relationship Between Food and Your Body

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720 815 6655